The Invention of Canada

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Assignment | 0 comments

The Invention of Canada is the essay topic, broadly defined. Presenting your viewpoint on the invention of Canada is the goal.Remember: This is a History Paper. You must, therefore, organize your discussion chronologically (as far as possible, discuss past events in the order that they occurred, working your way toward the present), to show cause and effect. Your essay is to represent an original, thoughtful contribution with the following components:Introduction with thesis statement.Body of paper, including citations properly footnoted or endnoted in the Notes and Bibliography format as laid out in the Chicago Manual of Style or Turabian.Conclusion.Bibliography.Please double space all material except for the citations and bibliography.The word count for this essay should be between 2,500 words and 3,000 words NOT INCLUDING CITATIONS OR BIBLIOGRAPHY. Part of the job of a historian is to convey an argument in a clear, concise, and effective way, so if you go over the upper limit by a significant amount, the instructor may return the essay unmarked.A good history paper is not simply a narration of past events. An essay of value supplies analysis: posing an argument (thesis), and proceeding to demonstrate the argument’s validity. Writers of good essays furnish supporting evidence that is persuasive, and they point out weaknesses in any counter-arguments. As willing participants in the discourse of difference (meaning differences in opinion, based on differences of interpretation), they know what their stance is, and they have considered what the opposing stances might be. They target their paper to an audience that might not be in agreement, in order to communicate, to contribute to the construction of knowledge, to establish the worthiness of including their views in a wider debate. Simple assertion is not enough (hence the need to back up your statements with footnoted sources).  Define what that specific aspect of invention is, to arrive at the core topic/issue of your paper. Be clear in your own mind why this topic matters to you and why you think it ought to matter to others.Research your topic, you must consider outside source material. A good rule of thumb is to use at least 4 articles or books during the initial phase of preparing your essay and then add to that number (if needed) as you re-write and tighten your argument. Using too few sources shows a lack of research and might contribute to a failure to consider points that are relevant to your topic.Determine a thesis— It may be useful to cast your topic in the form of a question (for example “Did migrant people have an impact on political ideas about Confederation?”). Avoid unanswerable questions/topics or those which call for opinion only (such as “Is Canada a great country?”). Avoid topics that cannot make use of your journal and for which you have no source material. Use the thesis to craft an introductory paragraph. The opening paragraph clearly and precisely defines the major question, topic, or issue that will be discussed; in other words, the subject and main argument to be made (Note: “Chinese migrants to British Columbia” is a subject but not a thesis. “Migration is a natural human behaviour” is a thesis but not a subject). Include a brief statement of the: Write the body of the paper. Develop a series of interrelated and logically organized paragraphs that make the case for your argument using evidence that you have gathered. Remember, this should be an original paper so do not rely too much on your journal entries. Keep your argument and interpretation consistent (don’t contradict yourself). Do not digress from your central point. If your paragraphs do not flow logically from one to the other, you may have to rethink the organization of your argument and evidence. Remember to include footnotes or endnotes.Bring your argument to a close. Conclude with a final paragraph that summarizes the essay and leads logically to a statement of your ultimate point. Check your introduction: did you prove what you said you would prove? Keep in mind:The conclusion should be consistent with the introduction and the body. Lack of consistency suggests you changed your argument while working through the paper, perhaps developing a new insight by the time the final paragraph was written. If, as an author, you arrive at a new insight that is extraordinarily better than the ones that led you to it, re-writing the paper might be worthwhile.Your conclusions should be regarded as tentative (history is never “over,” and you might run across new evidence in the future which will lead you to revise your ideas); and your findings may be at odds with those of fellow students and other historians.Review the paper. Do a final edit of the paper, making necessary corrections. This is one of the most important parts of the essay writing process. Look for typos, grammatical errors, flaws in logic, awkward organization, and other issues that might detract from the strength of your presentation. Check your footnotes against the bibliography—are all the footnoted sources included in the bibliography?II. Basic Formatting Expectations for Term PaperPage size: 8 ½” x 11″.Title Page: include title of paper, your name, course name, instructor name, and date.Type face: a standard 12 point font, double spaced.Margins: at least 1″ all around, uniformly applied to all pages.Ink colour: black.All other considerations: consistent with standard academic presentation (consult a style guide).The 2500-3000 word Term Paper with bibliography and citations should be prepared in the required Chicago Style format.

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