Model for Corporate Social Responsibility

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Assignment | 0 comments

Write 10 page essay on the topic Johnson & Johnson as a Model for Corporate Social Responsibility.Three responsibility-related dimensions are taken into account to calculate the combined effect on reputation of social programs, management practices, and employee relations. These include corporate citizenship, governance and workplace practices. An organization’s reputation is closely linked to the public perception of its Corporate Responsibility. Public perception includes dimensions such as trust, admiration and esteem. J&amp.J makes certain claims in its annual reports and other official publications. However, an examination of their activities disproves the hypothesis that Johnson &amp. Johnson is a model for Corporate Social Responsibility. 2. Company’s CREDO The company – J&amp.J follows a definite CSR strategy outlined in OUR CREDO which was initiated 60 years ago by the founder. The Credo describes of the organization’s responsibility towards its customers, employers, communities and shareholders (Fact Book, 2007). Their first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, and all others who use their products and services. This includes product quality, product prices, prompt service, and a fair opportunity to the suppliers and distributors to make profits. Toward the employees their responsibility lies in providing job security, respecting individual dignity, and also helping employees fulfill their responsibilities towards their families (CSR Globe, n.d.).

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