Literature review

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Assignment | 0 comments

What is a literature review? Video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Minimize Video Through Google scholars, find at least six peer-reviewed journal articles related to the assigned topic.  Provide a brief explanation of the topic you were assigned to (min about 30-40 words) Type, in your own words, a synthesis of each main idea into the Matrix table (at least 3 main ideas). Make sure each main idea is found across at least 2 of the articles. Requirements:Use the APA style to format in-text citations and References page.Topic: Cybercrime. What are some of the effective strategies being implemented by the CJS to prevent and combat cybercrimes?Example Template: (example is on page:3)Template for Literature Review is attached. The assignment must be done with the template

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