Why and how can we improve primary education

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Why and how can we improve primary education In as much as immense gains have been made to increase the number of children attending primary school, there is a significant number of children who are yet to be enrolled and even more who do not complete primary schooling. Statistics by the World Bank (2013) indicate a significant 57 million children at their primary school age still not going to. The United Nations Development Group, UNDG (2014) puts this enrolment rate at 80% with a forecast of 56 million children not enrolled in a primary school in 2015 if the current trend persists. This is further marred by gender parity which stood at 97% with an even greater proportion of girls at about 60% constituting the number of out-of-school primary school children (The World Bank, 2013). As such, improvements need to be undertaken not only to increase enrolment into primary schools but also to ensure a proportional enrolment of both boys and girls.The other reason why primary school education needs improvement is informed by the relatively low completion rate. As of 2011, the completion rate in primary education reached 90 percent. This has largely contributed to adult illiteracy which has remained at high levels in the recent past at about a sixth of the global population (UNDG, 2014). This indicates the need to make adjustments in the systems governing primary education to ensure that relatively all enrolments complete their studies.Finally, primary education receives limited budgetary allocation to meet its demands. Statistics documented by Lips, Watkins and Fleming (2008) indicate that a majority of Americans feel that the Federal and State governments allocate limited resources and funding to primary education, this being a major problem among public schools. These statistics show a shortfall of about $48 billion among 29 states with a high likelihood of more states falling victims in the future.&nbsp.Therefore, there is a need to improve on the budgetary allocation to primary school education.

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