Whats wrong with China

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Compose a 1000 words essay on Comment on the passage from the book called Whats wrong with China, 1932 by Rodney Gilbert : Whatever scholars in future may reveal of the origin of the Chin. Chinese is the only major language system that still continues with the use of pictographs for their writing and which is very much in use in these modern times.“What’s Wrong with China” written by Rodney Gilbert was published in 1932 by Frederick A. Stokes Company. In this book, Gilbert gives us a deep insight into the historical and environmental background of the Chinese people.Seeking to learn extensively of China, Gilbert took up a job of a journalist that entailed traveling all across China and learning not only the language but also coming to know of the customs, traditions and life of the Chinese people. Gilbert drew extensively from his observations and experiences with the different social groups he came in contact with.The Chinese literati,” explained Rodney Gilbert, “always are and always have been a cautious, timid, evasive cult of physical weaklings, with passive rather than active—defensive rather than aggressive—minds.” Commoners were tainted with the affliction through historical contact with the literati who “conveyed their attitude to the people. 29 (Gilbert Rodney, New York: 1932. Pp. 203)When writing on China, Gilbert’s attitude was direct and unsentimental besides being precise and clear. His outlook was that of a “hard boiled” businessman as described by his publishers. The American Political Science Review, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Feb., 1933), pp. 137-139doi:10.2307/1947368He says that the country is so vast and multifaceted and has every diverse aspect one could think of, but still everyone remain united under one name “China”. Just as the “Himalayas” has one word “Majestic” to describe it, so also China with all its breathtaking sights of mountains, plain, valleys and rivers has just one word to describe it -“ Beauty”. (Tales of old China)Gilbert explains that Chinese culture is so unique and one-of –a- kind that it has inspired and influenced people the world over.

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