Warehouse development

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

University of Phoenix – DAT/390 – Individual: U.S. Student Aid Data Warehouse DevelopmentThe attached diagram is the submission from week 1 and may need to be modified. This week you will continue your work on the project to evaluate higher education student aid data. You will transform your operational data structure and schema into a data structure and schema for a data warehouse, which will be exclusively used for reporting.Develop a plan to integrate this new data warehouse with an Internet application. Include in your plan:A description of the transformation processA schema diagram identifying the changes needed (revise the diagram you submitted for the Week Two Individual Assignment, “U.S. Student Aid Database Schema and Query Recommendations” per your instructor’s feedback)Specific integration plansDocument your plan as either:A 1- to 2-page Microsoft® Word documentA 6- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notesCompress your revised diagram and your plan into a ZIP file.Submit the ZIP file to the Assignment Files tab.

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