View on racism

by | Jun 14, 2021 | Assignment

Using Author Di Angelo essentials questions, write a 3-4 page essay answering the following questions; “If we accept that racism is always operating, the question becomes not “Is racism taking place?” but rather “How is racism taking place in this specific context?” How does awareness of that change how we think about our lives and our actions?

Discuss the suggestions for continuing the work of antiracism.

Which are the most challenging? How can you meet those challenges?

What are your personal reflections from this statement?

How does/has the system for racism impacted our lives, how do we uphold that system and/or how might we interrupt it? “The primary goal for white people working to understand racism is not to learn how racism impacts people of color. 

The primary goal is to recognize how the system of racism shapes our lives, how we uphold that system, and how we might interrupt it.” -DiAngelo

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