Types of research articles

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Week 2 DiscussionDiscussion Description:The discussion for this week will be used to help students:use the Keiser Online Library to find and identify different types of research articles effectively review and read peer-reviewed research articles’ identify and understand basic research terminologyIn Week 2, students must master their understanding of the following key concepts:journal article type including: original research, review article, clinical case study, clinical trial, editorial/perspective/opinion/commentary, and book review journal terminology and sections including: Lead and secondary authors, abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, participants, procedures, measures, results, discussion, Implications, limitations, and future researchResources (reminder: save the documents to your Learner Toolbox for future use):Read the following articles before taking your quizJournal Article Types:6 Article Types That Journals Publish

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