Thesis on similarity of global media news

by | Jun 13, 2021 | Assignment

Write 15 pages thesis on the topic similarity of global media news.

The standardization of the journalism code of ethics, will, for instance, explain why behavior and perception are similar across the world. The discussion will focus on the major forces that have contributed to news similarity. The similarity of news across the globe. The Anglo-US media ideologies have played a significant role in influencing global media. The western media establishes the values, beliefs, and norms, which are considered ethical, hence defining a particular organization (Whyte, 2012). The organizational culture established by western media plays a significant role in the news manufacturing process. In this case, they know the kind of news that should be disseminated to the target audience.

They define what is relevant, urgent, and more likely to attract more audience. The organizational culture is established for the purpose of protecting the interest of the media. The Anglo-US media has also established what is considered the values or the guiding principles of journalisms. For instance, an idea of objectivity has been established, where all practicing journalists are expected to adhere to. As a result, the western media has promoted cultural homogeneity and has continued to seek standardization of media values and norms. This, to a certain extent, may explain why the similarity of news may appear in the western world.

The Anglo-US objectivity ideology may explain why there has been uniformity in news selection and dissemination.

1. Objectivity ideology and news similarity The objectivity of the media, as envisioned by the western media, should reflect fairness, accuracy, advocacy, and relevance. These objectives play a significant role in determining what is considered ‘news’ and what is not. To maintain this objectivity, journalists are expected to adhere to certain rituals and values that will make reported information to be considered objective.

For instance, a journalist is not expected to express his/her own judgment. This will be considered to be taking sides, a situation that may lead to the subjectivity of information. Secondly, the verification of information becomes imperative, explaining why journalists will seek to avoid any complex issues (Whyte, 2012). the source of information should be credible to support the information being disseminated.

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