System control

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Write an essay on ENG315 week1. It needs to be at least 250 words.In the long run, the system control could no longer work as expected and there were some managerial-worker conflicts in the company.Given an opportunity to change the flow of information in decision making at this company, I could prefer the predictive control of distributed decision making method. The system has got four key aspects, which include. the predictive mode of team decision making, the fitness function as the second aspect, thirdly there is the optimization of information structure and finally the forecast decision making requirement. This system achieves convenience by the fact that stakeholders act as both decision makers and implementers.Although all of us make decisions every day, some of the decisions are straightforward while others are complex and indirect. In business decision making, this systematic approach to decision making is essential to address critical elements that can result into timely decisions (Bhushan & Kanwal, 2004). Moreover, there is no conflict of interests because every stakeholder is involved in decision making as well as implementing. With this organization, every stakeholder is motivated to work since every contribution is considered

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