Surprising hacks or threats

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Qeuestion 1:What are two of the most surprising hacks or threats to physical security that you found in the SANs video. Please identify two items and also how might you eliminate this threat. Please make sure that you answer this in a main post. Additionally, please make sure that there are two substantive follow-up postings to your peers in the discussion as well.Question 2:Please take the time to look around your organization at some of the locks that are in use on a door or other item. Please describe some of the doors and locks that are present and using what you have learned, determine if they are adequate for the environment that they are being used in. If you cannot use an example from work, please use some doors from inside your home.Please make sure that you are using some of the material that you learned in this and previous weeks to answer the question. The paper should have a main body of at least one page, once again in APA format.

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