Supply chain designs

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Unit 9 – Supply Chain Designs (Units 7–9).Purpose:Explain the ongoing evolution of an industry ecosystem and evaluate associated risk, resilience, logistics, and emerging supply chain designs for a selected company.Write a research paper that explains the ongoing evolution of the selected company’s industry ecosystem and evaluates associated risk, resilience, logistics, and emerging supply chain designs.Use the following outline to structure the headings and content for your research paper:Introduction. State the purpose of the paper. Describe the structure of the paper. Theory and Application: Supply Chain Designs?. Explain the evolution of the industry ecosystem (past, present, and links to future). Explain the selected company’s global supply chain design response. Explain elements of theory relevant to the selected company’s supply chain and associated industry ecosystem. Consider including a figure or chart with supporting narrative. Evaluate levels of current vulnerability, risk, and anticipated resilience strategies for theselected company. Predictfuture vulnerability, risk, and anticipated resilience strategies. Evaluate direction and evolution of sustainable logistics and their supply chain systems for theselected company. How has your selected company modified, enhanced, and/or changed its supply chain designs? What are the potential future actions, modifications, and evolutions for theselected company’s global supply chain design?Explain. Global Risk Factors. ? Assess the effectiveness of theselected company’s approach to current and projected future supply chain vulnerability, risk, and anticipated resilience strategies. Apply Part 2 of the Supply Chain Risk Assessment Surveyto your assessment. Select 5–7 risk factors listed in Part 2 of the survey and provide a short assessment of each for your selected company. Evaluate theselected company’s approach to projected future supply chain vulnerability, risk, and anticipated resilience strategies. Explain how you would suggest the companyimproves the strategy.??

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