Statistical procedure

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

A) Carry out the appropriate statistical procedure to determine if there is a significant difference in the systolic blood pressure between the two groups of women. Write out your null and alternative hypotheses, test statistic, and critical value, and then interpret your results. (Use an alpha level of 0.05)B) Construct a 95% confidence interval about your point estimate for the average difference in systolic blood pressure between the two groups of females. Provide an interpretation for your interval.2. Recently there has been quite a bit of controversy about the lack of de?nitive knowledgeabout the adverse side effects associated with hormone based birth control usage.Suppose a researcher is interested in the effects of birth control in women aged 18-25relevant to blood pressure. The researcher assumes that women in this demographic thatare taking hormone based birth control are at risk for increased blood pressure. Assumethe following table contains the summary statistics of two SRSs, one from a cohort ofwomen taking hormone based birth control, and one from a cohort of women birth control free.Study Arm Average Systolic Sample Standard Sample SizeBlood Pressure Deviation(mmHG)Birth Control 124 6.8 246No Birth Control 116 4.3 267 A) Carry out the appropriate statistical procedure to determine if there is a signi?cant differencein the systolic blood pressure between the two groups of women. Write out your null andalternative hypotheses, test statistic, and critical value, and then interpret your results. (Use an alpha level of 0.05) B) Construct a 95% confidence interval about your point estimate for the average di?’erence insystolic blood pressure between the two groups of females. Provide an interpretation for your interval.

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