Role of miracles in the synoptic gospels

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Write an article on Comparison of the Role of Miracles in the Synoptic Gospels and in John. It needs to be at least 2000 words. The intention of the following evaluation is that by learning from how the gospel writers understood the miracles of Jesus how that will subsequently help us understand the role of miracles in the present-day world. The synoptic gospels are those of Matthew, Mark, and Luke and they are called synoptic because they share common sources of information about the life and the teaching of Jesus that makes them very similar in content if not so much in their style.1 Mark, Matthew, and Luke wrote their gospels to spread the good news about Jesus Christ, his life, his death, and subsequent resurrection. Without the gospels being completed, it is doubtful that the early church could have expanded as it did, let alone have survived into today’s modern world. Arguably the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke can teach modern readers what miracles can mean in today’s world. The synoptic gospels by Mark, Matthew, and Luke were written so the majority of biblical research shows in close proximity to each other in terms of the time period.2 Although the synoptic gospels by Mark, Matthew, and Luke have slightly different styles and content from each other their similarities are far more noticeable than their differences.3 The overall purpose of the synoptic gospels being written was the same, Mark, Matthew and Luke wanted to convince people that Jesus Christ had been the long-awaited Messiah. Mark, Matthew, and Luke had decided to write the synoptic gospels as a written record of Jesus Christ’s lives in order to convince people into joining the Christian religion. The synoptic gospels were also written at that time as the number of people that could tell of their first-hand experiences of Jesus Christ, what he said, and he did, such as performing miracles were dying out.4 The other factor in writing the synoptic gospels and the gospel of John was to make the Christian religion more coherent and also more appealing to non-Jewish audiences especially the Greeks and the Romans.

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