Public health service (USPHS)

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

The US Public Health Service (USPHS) is part of the US  Department of Health and Human Services and collaborates with other US  agencies such as the Department of Defense. USPHS often seems to be one  of the least understood health organizations with regard to personnel,  mission, and scope of work.Using the module readings, the Argosy University online  library resources, and the Internet, research the USPHS and its  timeline. Then, respond to the following:Provide a synopsis of the following: Mission Brief history Core values Identify at least three dates on the USPHS timeline and discuss why  you feel those particular dates and corresponding USPHS changes were or  are significant. How have those changes influenced current public health  policy? Using principles of organizational behavior, discuss some of the  teams identified on the USPHS website and some of the strategies USPHS  leadership and management might use to manage those teams.Give reasons to support your statements.Write your initial response in approximately 200 words.  Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Identify other sources with  information about the USPHS, in addition to the information available on  the USPHS website.

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