Probability and Statistics in Engineering

by | Jul 24, 2021 | Assignment

Write 1 page with APA style on Discussion #3 STAT. 11 March Online Learning Resources for Statistics “MIT Open Ware is a free publication of MIT course materials that reflects almost all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT” (“Unlocking Knowledge”). Although the website gives sufficient insight into the topics of probability and statistics and the contents have been made very easy to understand, yet the website does not have all components of the course taught at MIT. This website does not charge the users anything for accessing its content. The content is freely available to the users 24/7. The website is extremely user-friendly in terms of its navigation. All one needs to find a course or topic is either visit the site overview, or browse the courses by departments. Advanced search is another option that can be used to find a particular topic.

“Probability and Statistics in Engineering” is one of the courses offered by MIT which makes part of the curriculum of the Civil and Environmental Engineering. Topics discussed in depth in this course include but are not limited to fundamentals of probability, conditional distributions, hypothesis testing and Bayesian analysis. “Introduction to Probability and Statistics” is one such course offered by this website that is most closely related to what we have studied in the course as it gives an insight into the basics of probability and statistics. Topics in this course include basic models of probability, confidence intervals and linear regression. The best feature of this website is that the course content is supported with exams as well as their solutions. In this sense, this website is a complete online source of education. Works Cited:“Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds.” 2012. Web. 11 Mar. 2012. .

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