Primary rights of a civilian residing in sydney

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Write a 5 pages paper on the primary rights of a civilian residing in sydney. The city of Sydney is ranked as one of the most modern cities of the world in the present context. Yet, the recent survey by the National Medical Journal in Australia reported some problems regarding the quality of the general water supply and the rate of water-borne diseases occurring from the kit is also increasing every day. All the four areas of water quality namely physical, chemical, microbiological and radiological elements are under strict scrutiny and demand the immediate attention of the authority. Sydney is a city with high industrial centers and it can be treated as the heart of Australia. Sydney is also very important from the commercial point of view as it is the foci of the trade and commerce executed throughout the continent and the base of Australian trade and commerce globally. In this context, the health and sanitation of the city need special attention of the government as there is also a considerable emigrational pressure on the township. A lot of people come and visit the city every day and water-borne diseases can transmit fast from the city and get into it as well. Amidst the areas of factors which are responsible for decreasing the quality of the drinking water, Sydney faces the challenge of the microbiological factors as the most affecting hazards. Special attention is also provided to the microbiological factors although all the other four areas also hold importance in its own way.One of the largest cities in Australia, Sydney is densely populated being one of the most important centers of art, fashion, culture, trade, and commerce in the entire region of Oceania with a population density of 2008 per km square recorded in the year of 2006. The city of Sydney has the fixed residing population of more than 450,000 and apart from it. there is also a considerable pressure of population who travel in and out of the city for various reasons pertaining to trade and commerce.&nbsp.

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