Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of Veteran

by | Sep 4, 2021 | Assignment

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of Veteran. &nbsp.Ever since the Vietnam War, the definition of post-traumatic stress has been broadened to include natural disasters, workplace accidents, and motor vehicle accidents. There are also other forms of post-traumatic stress as those caused by physical and sexual abuse during childhood since they affect the patient’s ability to form relationships and also have an effect on the development of their personality. Head injury has also been pointed out as a contributory factor.As time proceeds there is continued re-evaluation of definition and also on techniques for treatment For one to be termed as suffering from post-traumatic stress they are expected to have gone through or been witnesses events that involved threatened or actual death or grievous injury to oneself or others. Some manuals point to the victim’s response as including feelings of helplessness horror and intense fear.At the moment PTSD and its concept still revolve around assumptions, these first crucial and well-seen signs of traumatic stress are known as an etiological criterion which is a concept linked to unique symptoms and reactions called phenomenological criteria, but still, this does not explain the actual structure through PTSD concepts. The second concept is post-trauma morbidity, this is where the patient’s exposure to stressful conditions, which in return results in pervasive distress. Here the individual must have seen or experienced serious happening induced intense fear. This leads to the pre-trauma personality defects that graduate to psycho trauma. The third PTSD concept is known as a universal phenomenon, it is a bit diagnostic in nature and results in traumatic stress, this is due to complex traumatizing progression and the correlation of the wide aspect altogether in reaction to psychotrauma and hostility linked to culture-bound reactions of individual history. The fourth PTSD concept is associated with pathogenesis or portray-mates together with a posttraumatic dissociative procedure that has distinct mechanisms of hyperarousal related with fear due to traumatic memories.&nbsp.

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