Poor quality effect on business

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Critical Thainking Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing Choose a large Middle Eastern company that has or had a problem with poor quality. In a 4-5-page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, explain the situation, and the consequences of poor quality in terms of loss of business, liability, productivity or costs. You may find Chapter 9 in your text to be of help to you. Explain what the company might have done to correct the problem, and what the condition of the company is now (for example, out-of-business, overcame the issue, etc.).Be sure to use at least two current, scholarly references beyond any required course readings. Current sources are those published within the most recent five-year period, and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals.this is the requirment , make sure to work as requiered don’t do anything extra.

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