Policy Advancement

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Assignment

Policy Advancement: Children/Youth Assignment.  Identify a policy or programmatic intervention that focuses on children or youth, using the issue as the presenting concern and identify the shared needs of a population.  Make an assessment formulation of the policy need or intervention intention and then write a description of how a policy or intervention will address the needs of children represented in your assessment.  Select a theory and evidence based research intervention(s) and apply.  In the case plan, discuss steps towards implementation as well as obstacles to service delivery. Lastly, describe the mental health vulnerabilities for this population (consider diversity), and the protective factors that may offset risk. Last, use this opportunity to consider your experience in this developing this assignment.  Consider your social work role, and what you realized as you did this work.  Use this opportunity to practice professional self-awareness.  (3-4 pages double-spaced)

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