Create a 4 page essay paper that discusses Poems reflection.The opportunity to do this emerges because of the rain, no supervision, no customers they were alone in the room. In this situation, the black can only be free when the white boss is not around and the only entertainment they can pass the time with is dance.Racism is criticized in the poem. the poet portrays the black and the white as equal, and they both have errors. Willie beats up his dance partner but since she was a woman, she felt no reason to say sorry which depicts blacks as chauvinists. Sam is both good in dancing and his mental capacity. He has the best dance move that is envied by his mates. Sam is shown to be knowing how to go elegantly in stressful situations. he can move swiftly even in a hard case without a clash.The central conflict in the play arises when Hallys father return is announced. Hally is not happy about his return and since Sam overheard his conversation with his mother about his fathers return from the hospital. Hally opposes what Sam had overhead and refuses to tell him the truth. This shows racism. the whites do not trust the black with their personal matters. He pushes them back to work even though he was younger than them. The whites are shown to have authority over blacks despite the age difference. A young white has the power to control older blacks.Sams need to gain knowledge drives him to Hally, who seem very lazy and takes education for granted. Sam and Hally are close friends when it comes to education, they are seen to be discussing topics on corporal punishments and historical injustices. Hally does not understand the racism that occurred especially in South Africa this shows that the white are ethically blind. His black counterpart knows every detail about the racism situation in South Africa which means both blacks and white have a chance to education. Hally does not give cooperation by ordinary people an opportunity as a solution to problems he
Poems reflection
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