Physical security (PS)

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Chapter 4 DiscussionPhysical security (PS) is categorized very crucial for public and private organizations to protect and defend their assets, data, resources, personnel, facility and infrastructures.ScenarioTo what extent are there significant differences between minimum security system (MSS-1) and High-level security system (HLSS).MSS-1 is designated to obstruct unauthorized external traffic into the system and tends to interface with basic physical security operations like doors, windows and regular locks.WhereasHLSS is designed to obstruct, detect and evaluate most unauthorized internal and unauthorized external traffic into the system. HLSS point of reference include highly trained armed guard, two-way radio links to police unit, duress alarms, use of access control and biometric controlYou have been retained as a registrar for junior college offering online courses, which of these security mechanisms will you implement in your unit; if so why?UseFul Content:Chapter 4: Course ObjectivesChapter 4: Approaches to Physical SecurityPhase 1 of process, 1assignment and discussion will focus on level one through 5 and phase 2 physical security will concentrate on multiple levels stages of security protection.Physical security (PS) is imperative for public and private organizations to protect and defend assets, data, resources, personnel, facility and infrastructures. Per chapter four of the course materials, emphasis will be on five echelons of physical security systems such as minimum, low-level, medium, high level and maximum-security operations.Minimum security system (MSS-1) developing to obstruct unauthorized external traffic into the system and tends to interface with basic physical security operations like doors and windows and regular locks. Low level system (LLS) designing to barricade unauthorized external activities such as reinforcement of doors, gates, high security locks, window bars and regular alarm systems. Medium security system (MSS-2) creating to obstruct, detect and assess Most MSS-2 point of reference include developing perimeter fence to protect against unauthorized intrusion and unarmed security armed. High level security system (HLSS) creating to obstruct, detect and evaluation most unauthorized internal and unauthorized external activities. HLSS point of reference include highly trained armed guard, two-way radio links to police unit, duress alarms, use of access control and biometric control. Maximum security system (MSS-3) developing to impede, detect, access and neutralize external and internal activities.Extension of Physical security includesPhysical SecurityApproaches to physical security is a measurable technique to protect buildings, property, assets and resources against intruders. Effective execution of physical security program on organization and facilities include multiple levels of protection such as outer perimeter, inner perimeter, and interior of the facility.1. Outer Perimeter SecurityThe outer perimeter often controls persons who walk and drive onto the grounds on the facility and out perimeter security include high-security fence, high-security doors, high-security windows, high-security gate, remotely operated garaged; whereas, barbed wire fence with a guarded gate is appropriate in most extreme conditions.2. Natural Access ControlNatural access control utilizes the building and landscaping features to guide people entering and exiting the property, lessened perpetrator’s unnoticed access into the facility. Natural access control measures often interfere, and lowered sense of risk prevent intruders’ willingness to come closer to the property.3. Territorial ReinforcementTerritorial reinforcement differentiates private property from public facility to prevent unauthorized access into the facility. The prime objectives of territorial reinforcement is to protect and keeping intruders off of the private end public property.4. Inner Perimeter SecurityPerimeter security provides extra measures to secures the facility’s doors, windows, walls, locks, keys, alarm systems, access control, electronic visitor management systems, and key controls to keep intruders from entry and exit the property.5. Interior SecurityInterior security’s emphasis is on interior spaces, employee office locations, security data center, organization assets, security cameras and motion detectors for effective monitoring of interior spaces.6. Electronic access control systems (EACS)Electronic access control systems (EACS) continue to feature as important component of physical security with ability sojourn unauthorized companies at the door and control incoming and outgoing traffic into the facility.

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