Personal/profissional statment

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Write 4 pages with APA style on Personal/profissional statment. I also have great personal attributes that allow me to relate to people of all kinds in the society. My ability in relating to people has led to my passion to help students overcome challenges and learn from their mistakes.To begin with, I have acquired a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from University of Alexandria in Egypt. The course helped me to understand different people in different conditions in life. My knowledge in psychology helps me in giving different approaches to tackle problems from different students. With this knowledge, I can appreciate the reasons why some students behave in different ways both in the classroom and outside the classroom. I have also gone through the course instructional technology education from American Intercontinental University. Other training modules that I have taken include ‘Introduction to exceptional learner’ and ‘additional training in K-12 Instructional Education’. With this background, I believe that a Master of Arts in community counseling from Argosy University will enhance my knowledge in the field of community counseling and make me a better professional in the field of counseling.Ever since, I was a student in elementary studies, I was a great inspiration to many. It gives me great satisfaction when they recommend me for the contribution I made to their lives. Till now, I have encouraged and inspired many students to overcome challenges that they thought were impossible to overcome. I enjoy helping these students and am purely committed towards seeing to it that they achieve their goals in life and overcome problems that they once thought could never be solved. Whenever a student does a mistake, I ensure that they learn from this mistake without blaming others and thus they avoid such mistakes in the future.

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