Peer Review Sample

by | Sep 4, 2021 | Assignment

You will receive deductions for the following: Not using complete sentences, -1 for each infraction Not answering each question on the form, -2 for each missing responseNot using the guided language from the “Peer Review Sample,” in each response, -1 for each infraction Using only one sentence responses for each question, -2 for each one sentence responseDue: Sunday of Week 1 by 11:59pm CDT as a “reply” to your peer’s post.***Peer Review Sample: peer review sample.pdf       (use this form only to model the appropriate language to use when completing the peer review form below.  You do not need to mark up your peers’ drafts; just complete the peer review form)Audience Analysis Peer Review Fillable Form: Audience Analysis Peer Review Form.pdf

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