Partnering Procurement in Small-Size Contractions

by | Sep 10, 2021 | Assignment | 0 comments

Provide a 73 pages analysis while answering the following question: Partnering Procurement in Small-Size Contractions in the UK and the Viability Partnering in the UAE Construction Industry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. For example, in the UK, the partnering approach to procurement is used more extensively than it is used in the UAE. On the other hand, small-scale project owners and contractors in the UAE prefer the traditional approach to partnering. Reports currently indicate that the level at which the evidently conservative UAE small-scale construction sector uses partnering procurement is on the increase. As this study confirms, this assertion is true. However, the UAE’s construction sector lags behind in this regard, compared to the small-scale projects in the UK. Among the main principles of partnering for which it has become the preferred approach to procurement in the UK small-scale projects sector are trust, confidentiality, mutual benefit to all parties, and sharing of risks. However, this approach has the weakness of reducing competition since there are preferred contractors with whom clients work. As more small-scale projects come up in UAE cities such as Dubai, it is recommended that the stakeholders in the sector consider replacing the traditional with the partnering approach to reap the benefits of working with trust, reaping mutual benefits, and sharing risks according to the risk mitigation and prevention abilities of each party. It is expected that as clients and contractors work collaboratively on more small-scale projects, the UAE construction sector will eventually embrace partnering as the preferred approach to project implementation. With the right dissemination of information on partnering, the UAE construction sector might just catch up with the UK’s in terms of partnering use.The idea of the partnering approach to procurement has shot to prominence in recent times especially in the construction and engineering sectors, which involves many stakeholders and materials in project implementation. Essentially, partnership refers to the& relationship among the stakeholders involved in an undertaking or project. The objective of partnering is to improve performance in the delivery of projects’ outputs, outcomes, and impacts. Its core principle is the establishment of collaborative processes, activities, and policies or guides, which emphasize the importance of common goals (Darby, 2006).&nbsp.

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