Paintings of Monet

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Write 2 pages with APA style on Review on Two Paintings of Monet. The House seen from the Roses Garden The House seen from the Roses Garden Claude Monet was among the founders of French Impressionist paintings. He was an active part of the Impressionist movement and applied its philosophy of depicting one’s views of nature in his landscape paintings. In fact, the term Impressionism originated from Monet’s famous painting Impression, soleil levant (Impression, sunrise). In 1881, Monet along with his large family bought a house in Giverny and planted his famous beautiful gardens which became a subject of his paintings and he stayed there till his death. In 1922, he lost the ability to see from his right eye and gradually the vision from his left eye was fading as well. The next year, 1923, a friend of Monet’s talked him into getting a surgery done. As a result of the surgery, Monet could see from his right eye with the help of green spectacles which were not very common and were designed for him after which he started painting again. The two paintings are part of a series. Both are paintings of his house in Giverny as seen from his Rose Garden. They are oil on canvas paintings and are an example of the outcome of the operation and he could draw by seeing from either the left eye only of the right one. The originals are exhibited in Musée Marmottan, Paris, France. The subject of both of these paintings is Monet’s house in Giverny. The first painting is the view of his house from the rose garden. He started painting it in 1922 and finished it in 1924. It’s classified as a landscape painting. In this painting Monet is drawing by looking from his left eye, which was suffering from cataract and everything appeared to him in shades of yellow. The sky appeared yellow. The surroundings were different shades of red. The second painting is the view of his house from the rose garden as well. Like the first one, he started painting it in 1922 and finished it in 1924. It’s also classified as a landscape painting. It’s classified as a landscape painting. In this painting Monet is drawing by looking from his right eye which had undergone operation. Everything appeared to him in shades of blue. Both of them are impressionist paintings. Apart from the fact they were painted by the founder of Impressionism, we can tell that these paintings are Impressionists because of their prominent brush strokes which are relatively thin and small but quite visible in spite of that. These paintings are clear works of art and emphasize on illustrating light and changes caused by it as the light changes. These paintings highlight the effect of light as it changes with time. Another factor which helps us in determining if the paintings are Impressionist or not is that Monet has used ordinary everyday object as his subject. In the paintings, Monet has added movement as they are a key aspect of human observation and knowledge. Both of the paintings however exhibit quite an extraordinary visual angle, which is another quality of Impressionist pieces of art. References:Monets colors The colours of Claude Monet. (n.d.). Claude MONET paintings by claude oscar Monet. Retrieved December 25, 2012, from House Seen from the Rose Garden 3 – Claude Monet – (n.d.). – the encyclopedia of painting. Retrieved December 25, 2012, from http://www.wikipaintings.

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