Looking at the results of the p-values, would you reject or fail to reject the null hypotheses (assuming a 0.05 significance level)? What does your decision mean for the problem? Would you proceed with changing the design of the box, or would you keep the old designORDERED PRODUCT SALES (OPS)CONTROLTREATMENTMean127.7842127.7910Variance12,545.266712,529.6045Observations499,707500,293Hypothesized Mean Difference0.0000Mean Difference0.0068% Mean Difference0.0001P-value0.9758TOTAL UNITS ORDERED (UNITS)CONTROLTREATMENTMean5.00765.0097Variance8.50528.5002Observations499,707500,293Hypothesized Mean Difference0.0000Mean Difference0.0021% Mean Difference0.0004P-value0.7224
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