Opportunity cost

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Answer:Describe an opportunity cost you have encountered in recent days.Give your thoughts on these: 1. I just recently made a decision, not to go to Charlotte, North Carolina(my hometown) to spend time with family and friends, to get a jump start on course review, and preparation for the Spring 2021 semester. 2. An opportunity cost I have encountered in recent days has been putting my school work before my friends. This semester I’m taking 16 credit hours, which is a pretty hefty workload. In order to do well, I have to put a lot of work in to maintain good grades and a good GPA. Doing so much work during the week and often the weekends, I have to decline my friends’ invitations to hang out. In the end, I realize it’s all worth it to be able to reach my goals and get me to where I want to be one day.Textbook Problems: Discussion Questions: 1, 3, & 6Review Questions: 1, 2, 4, & 7Problems: 1, 2 & 5

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