Operations of management

by | Aug 25, 2021 | Assignment

Compose a 2500 words assignment on operations of management. Management also leads to better organization of resources, resulting in higher output and sales. Apparently, the firm will drift and eventually fail and the business cannot succeed without the much-needed management. The basic roles of management involve planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding and controlling. Management involves taking risks and requires critical decision-making regarding strategic, tactical or operation matters. Operations Management: Operations management is a branch of management which deals with supervising, designing, and redesigning business operations when producing goods and services. Its main purpose is to be as productive efficient as possible by using as little resources needed for the production of goods and services. It is responsible for being effective in meeting customer requirements. The process of converting inputs into outputs comes under operations management. (Borrington, Stimpson. 2006) Operations management helps to increase the substance of value-added activities in any process of the business. But for optimal enterprise performance, a business must co-align these value-adding activities with possible marketing opportunity. It is mainly concerned with the technical functions of a business like the development, production and manufacturing of goods and services.

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