Nutrition, Physical Activity and Weight

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Assignment

Submit a 1000 words essay on the topic Nutrition, Physical Activity and Weight.From this study it is clear that&nbsp.evidence based messages to promote healthy nutrition in adolescents should target food groups, snacks, meals, fast food and beverages. Teenagers should ensure that their diet contains a variety of foods such as grains, meat, poultry, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and nuts to accommodate their growth requirements of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Daily 5 servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended.This paper highlights that energy dense-nutrient poor foods such as fried potato chips, biscuits and cakes lead to a lower intake of fruits and vegetables and are more likely to be associated with consumption of other energy dense-nutrient poor foods like colas. Energy drinks and soft drinks should be consumed in limited quantity because of their high caffeine and sugar content. Current research suggests that reducing consumption of sugar sweetened and carbonated drinks can help in obesity prevention. Instead, water intake should be increased. They should be taught to read the labels before consuming packaged and processed foods regarding calories, fat and sodium content of the product and choose accordingly and wisely. Also, difference in home cooked and processed food can be explained and reasons for ‘eating out’ analysed.&nbsp.Adolescents should be explained about the benefits of staying physically active and how it can be achieved. Teenagers should be encouraged to take part in sports and other physical activities at school.

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