News items

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Assignment

 Use 3 different Scriptural References (1 per concept). The scriptures must applicable and relevant to the concept you are writing about4)    The 3 news items must come be no later than January 2016.  You can look under announcements>>”in the news”>> for examples but you cannot use any of those stories because they are older than 2016.5)    You must use at least three Academic References (one per concept)6)     Submission date is before midnight on April 2, 2016. LATE WORK will NOT be accepted. Submit in the drop box titled “Additional assignment: concepts, current event and Christian world view assignment”.CONCEPTS IN MANAGEMENTServant leadership.Leadership entails more than just being in the is more of service to the group thatis being led. There is always more emphasis on the doing….

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