MS PowerPoint or Prezi presentation

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Assignment

At our residency, you will present your book review in a MS PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. You should include the following information:The title, and a brief introduction to the major theme of this leadership book (similar to an      abstract) Background information on the  author (s) A description of the major  theme of the book An explanation as to your interest in selecting this particular book for your leadership book review Describe the main theories and principles (at least five) presented in the book. How each of the theories and principals presented in the book directly relate to being a leader. Show how the theories and  principals presented in the book relate to specific leadership standards. Explain how each of the theories and principles presented in the book directly relate to your development as a leader. Closing comments to summarize the theories and principals presented in the book. Your critique of the book, as  to developing leaders How could the information you gained through reviewing this book on leadership enhance your knowledge      base and development as a leader. Why or why would you recommend this book to your fellow class membersOrganization of the Presentation:Concise in presentation Sections are clearly identified Include an Agenda slide 10-12 slides Approximately 15 minutes in length No grammar, spelling, punctuation, or typing errors You will submit a printed copy at the start of residency.Please Read Text book PDF Attached

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