Marketing plan

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses marketing plan for r200 revola smart phone. They are also data enabled However, the smart phone models that are currently available in the market have several deficits. Storage memory is limited because the in built memory is limited and has a provision for just one microSD memory card slot. Due to the multitasking on the smart phone battery life is really reduced requiring one to keep recharging frequently. A majority of smart phones are recharged from an electric circuit which may be a barrier if one is not in a position to access electricity. Touch screen smart phone models have high sensitivity and easily damaged when in contact with dust and water. There is a potent market for the product R200 smart phone since consumers have raised concern that besides the great technological configuration of the regular smart phones, they are easily damaged. The introduction of a gadget that resolves this deficit would seal the gap in the market. Introduction Revola is a communication company dealing in the manufacture of such products like mobile phones, computer chips and operating system software. It a medium sized company considering its capital base and the market share in the communication industry. Revola has developed a smart phone R200 series to meet the current market need. This marketing plan describes our market share and the strategies we are applying to get customers and create a reliable revenue flow (Keegan 200).

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