Marketing Plan

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Assignment

Final ProjectCreate a Marketing PlanWHAT: Using the Marketing Plan Outline on pages 84 – 86 in Chapter 2, create a Marketing Plan for a health care provider of your choice (real or fictional).  See Exhibit 1-1 on page 25 for some examples of “primary providers” – use one of these types of providers.  The Marketing Plan should include the following sections and is due by midnight, Saturday, of week four:Management SummaryEconomic ProjectionsThe Market – QualitativeThe Market – QuantitativeTrend AnalysisCompetitionProblems and OpportunitiesObjectives and GoalsAction ProgramsWHEN: Post your topic in by clicking on the title Final Project Topic above and then click on Create Thread .  Your final project based on this topic will be due on Saturday of Week 4 (final day of class). itle: Essentials of Health Care Marketing, 4th editionAuthor: Erin N. BerkowitzPublisher: Jones and Bartlett PublishersISBN: 9781284094312

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