Marketing of the UK Tourism Agencies

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Assignment

Provide a 10 pages analysis while answering the following question: Marketing of the UK Tourism Agencies. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. They offer a complete in itself tour and ensure that the product offered by them is standard, unique, produced in a large scale, and decently packaged. The tour operators’ marketing tactics are similar to any other consumer product, which is successfully marketed.In tourism, the target market is (Boone, L. E. & Kurtz, D. L., 1992) “A group of consumers who the tourist attraction decides to direct its marketing efforts to. The marketing strategy is designed to satisfy the consumer groups’ specific needs and preferences”. In tourism marketing, the focus has been on sales promotion, advertising, customer identity, and size of the market among other factors.The tourist market is categorized (Boone et al. 2005) according to (i) age group. (ii) number of trips taken per season. (iii) education. (iv) occupation. (v) income groups. (vi) purpose of trips. The purpose of the trip is a famous category to recognize among different sub-sections of business, vacation, convention, personal emergencies, visit relatives, and other types of travelers, as it helps to decide the various elements in the marketing mix. Plans are formulated to know how far the demand for travel and tourism of these types of tourists could be stretched. The marketing policies and packages offered differ in prices, promotions, and products for the same tourist places. Classifying tourists in sub-categories help in guessing their behavior, future market requirements, becoming relevant to their needs to customize them accordingly, and making it easy to communicate with customers.Tourists’ marketing strategies are based on the types of tourists, their behaviors and tastes as it increases tourist satisfaction, coming out of product use. As the choice of a destination is affected by social and personal factors and tourists’ stimuli factors among others, tourist marketing plays a crucial role in deciding and affecting their variables. One thing is clear that tourists’ stimuli are contoured not only by advertisement and promotion of products but also by travel agents in distributing images as well as cost/value, and expectations of a destination.

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