Language and content objectives

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Create a lesson plan that integrates language objectives, content objectives, and best instructional practices for ELLs, as well as a method for authentic assessment. In this assignment you will complete a SIOP Lesson Plan based on the Background Information below and your own grade level selection and content area of choice.Background InformationYou are the teacher of a class of 10 ELL students in the same grade, but with differing English proficiency levels. Select your potential grade level and core content area of interest before you begin. Using the SIOP Lesson Plan template in the Student Success Center, design a lesson for those students by completing the following sections of the SIOP lesson plan:Standards Theme Lesson Topic Objectives (Content and Language) Learning Strategies Key Vocabulary Materials Motivation (Building Background) Presentation (Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) Practice and Application (Meaningful activities, interactions, strategies, feedback) Assessment and Extension (Review objectives, and vocabulary, assess learning)

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