Journey of life

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Write an essay on Journey of life. It needs to be at least 500 words.Each family member is supportive of each other’s needs as evidenced by frequent interaction and meeting, communication, and eating together. Ever since I can remember, as a young child, we were taught to respect the older members of the family. Every member can help other one without asking to return the favor.I have therefore been brought up to show love, support, and concern for each family member and as such, the bonds we shared have continued to be strong as all siblings went through the various developmental stages.The relationships that have been established during my lifetime consisted of forming friendships in school and within the neighborhood. My parents have reminded me to choose my friends carefully since some people could make bad influences in one’s life through the activities that are shared and undertaken. Therefore, I learned to be selective of friends who make my life better through sharing productive activities and experiences that enhance learning, knowledge and assist in the development of skills and abilities. The friends developed during school years have become my constant circle of friends whom I get to interact with frequently as we all make memorable events that became basis for productive learning. From the time that I transferred and pursued my studies in the United States, the circle of friends grew larger as it comprised of people from diverse cultural backgrounds. I therefore realized that the wealth of knowledge gained from sharing experiences with diverse people is more enriching and rewarding.For me the school provided the most significant impact in my life, second to my family. So far, school activities have been a positive experience since I was a very young child, until the present times. Academic events include complying with academic project, assignments, group works, joining extra-curricular activities, among others. I realized, early on, that by performing well

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