Job analysis for the rank of firefighter

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Defining Professional Needs in the WorkplaceScenarioYour fire company was selected to participate in the revisions to the job analysis for the rank of firefighter. As the company officer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your company is prepared to complete the analysis process. Several firefighters have expressed disinterest in participation in the process that the city’s personnel department will conduct. They intend to inflate all aspects of the job so they will be in a better position to receive a pay increase. They think this will be a good strategy to benefit them and that the personnel department analyst will not know the difference.In a 3–5 page paper, respond to the following.How do you ensure that a fair and reliable job analysis is conducted?How, or what, will you say to convince the firefighters to follow the proper course of action? How will you determine if the process was done correctly?How will you provide motivation to them to change their thought process?How do differing values held by the firefighters affect the ethical decision-making process, cause potential conflicts, and produce multiple approaches toward resolution?Also in your paper, identify four possible personnel management concerns that may affect the operations of fire and EMS agencies. Discuss the potential impact of each concern on fire and EMS agencies, and how the concerns should be addressed.

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