International Business

by | Aug 25, 2021 | Assignment

MBA  6601 International Business. Pt.1 Journal Entry 200 words no citations required. PT 2 Essay, Read guidance below.Unit I JournalIn your opinion, what role does culture play in international expansion by a corporation?Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.Unit I AssignmentFor this assignment, you will use Hofstede’s characteristics to differentiate international and domestic business operations. This exercise will help identify the key characteristics that drive business decisions on an international and domestic level.Part 1: Pick three individual countries, one in the Middle East, one in Asia, and one in Europe. Apply Hofstede’s characteristics to each one, and state if the characteristic is low, medium, or high in each country. Also, explain why each country deserves that description.Part 2: Given your descriptions, explain which country is most like the United States and which country is most unlike the U.S.Your response must be a minimum of three pages in length. free to use another layout.

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