Write a 12 page essay on Institutional racism.
The obvious and underlying reason for this has to do with the fact that categorical interpretations of groups is oftentimes flawed. mainly due to the fact that groups are inherently made up of a litany of different types of individuals. These individuals necessarily have their own worldview, approach, background, class, and other factors that help define and constrain them in a way that broad and general identifications and definitions cannot. According to the query for this particular analysis, the student is required to discuss how institutional racism can be described, measured, and whether or not any causal relationship exists between class and inequality. Moreover, the relevance of class, race, and inequality have an especially profound level of meaning with respect to existing scholarship.
As such, the discussion will be concentric upon explaining how segregation into distinct social spheres (neighborhoods), what historical forces compound this, how racially distinct neighborhoods vary in poverty and social disadvantage, and how surrounding neighborhoods affect the levels of violent crime, how this violent crime can be reduced. With regard to institutional racism at its broadest levels, the segregation into distinct neighborhoods and the lack of empathy and understanding that a criminal justice stakeholder might have with respect to this is a solid sociological construct that has existed since the dawn of time. This reality can be understood historically. Due to the fact that the United Kingdom has been heavily influenced by the impacts of immigration, the power of this influx of “new” people into the United Kingdom has created a need for a high level of housing space for them to live (Ahmed, 2007). Naturally, as immigrants from all over the world began to arrive in the United Kingdom, they found themselves at a distinct disadvantage.