Indigenous Knowledge and Community Development Planning

by | Aug 8, 2021 | Assignment

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Indigenous Knowledge and Community Development Planning. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length. In the past, Indonesia used to have a centralized approach to delivering development packages in designated communities and regions. However, these development initiatives had little relevance to local needs. This centralized, top-down approach has not fostered a sense of belonging and accountability among the beneficiaries. Furthermore, it has the challenge of inadequate participation at the grassroots level by the local community members in the development activities and projects. Therefore, following the demise of the New Order and President Soeharto and the onset of ‘Reformasi’, an extensive decentralization process was initiated in 1999 through the enactment of Law Number 22/1999 which transferred significant authority and power from the central government in Jakarta to the district/municipal government. This legislation significantly empowered the local government (provincial and district) to take a leading role in local development planning and budgeting processes. Decentralization is one of the most important reforms the Indonesian government has undertaken since the democratic elections of June 1999. Under Laws 22 and 25, which provide the framework for political and financial devolution, the districts and cities are assuming new responsibilities that were previously covered by the national government as well as managing new financial resources that have been transferred from the central government or raised within their own localities (Bappenas 2004). Since the decentralization process, the number of municipalities (Kota) and districts (Kabupaten) has increased by about half, from 292 before decentralization to 434 in 2003 (Fitrani et al. 2005). Most of the notable increase has been witnessed outside Java. The above statistics clearly indicate that the enactment of laws number 22 and 25 empowered authorities at lower levels to be responsible for managing their own affairs locally.&nbsp.&nbsp.

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