Essay on About immigration in human resource management. Paper must be at least 750 words. Immigration may affect the federal budget, since the government has to establish a tight security between the borders. This increases the output in the labor market and help in boosting the economy. Immigration of human resources has various pros and cons. Among the pros, there is the diversification of ideas. The federal government may also incur more expenses in its budget for enforcing a law that the employers have to know the background of their new employees.The immigration policies on verification of any new employees to an organization would be a huge cost of the federal government. Therefore, the federal government would require making of a clear process through which only the cleared immigrants could be employed. The process would increase the expense of the government to the Department of Homeland Security. Though this process would be expensive to enforce, its evasion to new employees would reduce the revenue collected by the government. This is because employees that were not authorized to work would be non-taxable and therefore reduce the government revenue.Impact of policy changes to employersImmigration of human resources would also have both positive and negative impact on the employer. This happens due to change of employment policies that workers have to be authorized. In the past, the authorization of workers decreased the number of workers who worked in the agricultural farms. It affected the labor supply and, therefore, the few immigrants who qualified to get jobs in the agriculture firms.
Immigration in human resource management
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