Image analysis

by | Aug 22, 2021 | Assignment

900-1200 words IMAGE ANALYSIS: Select an advertisement to analyze. The advertisement you choose should be directed towards a specific audience. To identify the intended audience, think about the members of the potential audience for the advertisement that you have chosen. Who are they? Ads for a beauty product, for example, may be aimed at young girls; ads for a deodorant might target men; a diaper commercial is likely intended for new parents; ads for cruise trips might be aimed at retirees. You can use any academically-appropriate advertisement to complete this assignment, as long as its intended audience is clearly identified.  Your thesis must inform the reader of your topic and purpose. Because you are writing in the informative mode, use objective language and a neutral point of view.  Draft an analytical essay that examines the audience, context, and purpose of the advertising image you’ve chosen. Your analysis should lead to a conclusion about the ad’s effectiveness, based on examination of its components. Include the image with your draft.Color Coding Activity: Using the color codes provided, evaluate your draft as follows:   Use red text to indicate your thesis statement.  Use green text to indicate the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

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