How would you describe Hewlett Packard on each of the basic design dimensions? For example, is it a very formal organization or an informal organization? Why?Just need a couple of paragraphs. Exerpt from text applying to the question is included below.Differentiation, then, is the process of dividing work in the organization, and integration is the process of coordinating work in the organization. From a structural perspective, every manager and organization look for the best combination of differentiation and integration for accomplishing the goals of the organization. There are many ways to approach this process. One way is to establish a desired level of each structural dimension on a high to low continuum and then develop a structure that meets the desired configuration. These structural dimensions include the following:Formalization : The degree to which an employee’s role is defined by formal documentation (procedures, job descriptions, manuals, and regulations).Centralization : The extent to which decision-making authority has been delegated to lower levels of an organization. An organization is centralized if the decisions are made at the top of the organization and decentralized if decision making is pushed down to lower levels in the organization.Specialization : The degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs. The division of labor and the degree to which formal job descriptions spell out job requirements indicate the level of specialization in the organization.Standardization : The extent to which work activities are described and performed routinely in the same way. Highly standardized organizations have little variation in the defining of jobs.P. 241 Bookmark Title:Complexity : The number of activities within the organization and the amount of differentiation needed within the organization.Hierarchy of authority : The degree of vertical differentiation through reporting relationships and the span of control within the structure of the organization.15 An organization that is high on formalization, centralization, specialization, standardization, and complexity and has a tall hierarchy of authority is said to be highly bureaucratic. Bureaucracies are not inherently bad; however, they are often tainted by abuse and red tape. There are cases, however, where centralized structures can be beneficial. For example, one study found that a more centralized structure is effective for increased job satisfaction when perceptions of interactional and procedural justice are present.16 An organization that is on the opposite end of each of these continua is very flexible and loose. Control is very hard to implement and maintain in such an organization, but at certain times such an organization is appropriate. The research and development departments in many organizations are often more flexible than other departments in order to stimulate creativity. An important organizational variable, which is not included in the structural dimensions, is trust.Another approach to the process of accomplishing organizational goals is to describe what is and is not important to the success of the organization rather than worry about specific characteristics. Henry Mintzberg feels that the following questions can guide managers in designing formal structures that fit each organization’s unique set of circumstances:How many tasks should a given position in the organization contain, and how specialized should each task be?How standardized should the work content of each position be?What skills, abilities, knowledge, and training should be required for each position?What should be the basis for the grouping of positions within the organization into units, departments, divisions, and so on?How large should each unit be, and what should the span of control be (that is, how many individuals should report to each manager)?How much standardization should be required in the output of each position?What mechanisms should be established to help individuals in different positions and units adjust to the needs of other individuals?How centralized or decentralized should decision-making power be in the chain of authority? Should most of the decisions be made at the top of the organization (centralized) or be made down in the chain of authority (decentralized)? 17 The manager who can answer these questions has a good understanding of how the organization should implement the basic structural dimensions. These basic design dimensions act in combination with one another and are not entirely independent characteristics of an organization
How would you describe Hewlett?
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