Questions in the Historical Profession Letters from Civil War Soldiers or Finding Family after Slavery AssignmentIII. Sources to UseThis assignment asks you to construct a analysis of the Civil War based of letters from Civil War soldiers OR you can construct a analysis of family reunification based off advertisements from the Last Seen: Finding Family after Slavery database. This QHP analysis should be at least 250-words and should be based off at least 3 sources you find in online databases. Here are helpful databases you can use for this assignment:LETTERS FROM CIVIL WAR SOLDIERSIf you want to analyze Civil War letters, this particular website which includes an endorsement by a prominent Civil War Historian I used to work with at WVU, is pasted below. You will notice that you can look through a random assortment of letters, or that you can specify the letters you find based by allegiance (Union or Confederacy), state, unit, or service branch. You are not required to start an account or log-in in order to navigate this database: SEEN: FINDING FAMILY AFTER SLAVERY DATABASE PROMPT ON SECOND PAGEIV. QUESTION PROMPTPrompt:Read and analyze the primary sources from the Civil War Letter database OR the Last Seen: Finding Family after Slavery Database. After you are done reading, create a 250 word response which uses only the primary sources from ONE of those databases (and information from your textbook if applicable) to construct a historical narrative that documents the significance and impact of your topic.See the attachenment
Historical Profession
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