Hewlett Packard

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Complete 3 page APA formatted essay: SWOT Analysis of Hewlett Packard.HP has the ability to manufacture new designs and innovations of personal computers and accessories such as printers at affordable costs. Moreover, the company’s after sales services provide the best services to their customers hence increasing their loyalty. After sales service centers and helplines reduce many customer problems (Kern et al, 23).Weaknesses Hewlett Packard’s lack of presence in some major market segments limits its profitability in some countries. In spite of its outstanding portfolio, HP does not have significant production of software products as compared to major competitors such as IBM. Some of its competitors produce smart software products and offer extensive consultation services to their customers. A substantial percentage of its income (29%) is obtained from its personal systems division. Therefore, it does not command the market of industrial and large organizations that use highly sophisticated computing devices. The company mostly develops personal computers is already encountering competition from new players in the industry such as Lenovo. It has poor presence in the tablets market where many of its competitors are gaining ground. It is also facing competition in the manufacture of printers from other companies including Epson and Samsung.

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