Health Care Robotics

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Assignment

Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: Health Care Robotics.Robotics is about the automation of physical work, so in medicines and healthcare there are different types of physical work like surgery, tracking the patients’ status record, logistics transportation in laboratories, medical therapy and medical diagnosis. Not every thing can be achieved through robots at the moment, because robots are programmed and artificial intelligence is in process to destiny. Hence in today’s world of healthcare, robots are mostly used in some repeated or some medicinal specific operations. Medical Robot assisted surgery is something to highlight in healthcare robotics. Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass surgery is manipulated today by robotics. This surgery is also called as cardiothoracic surgery and with the help of robotics a very small incision is enough for manipulators to perform the surgery controlled by a surgeon via control panel. In this manner the old way of surgery with its defects and dangers can be minimized amazingly with less blood loss, less injury, less time to recovery etc. All types of surgeries are usually executed in a way that the motion of the control panel of the operator is translated by the computer to the manipulator doing the surgery. Robust & Light-Weight Robot is presented at AUTOMATE that will be utilized in effective medical surgery[1]. A medical robotic system also works on the same principle as in the case of a general robotic system, the principles are sensing, processing and doing some physical form of work. It means increasing healthcare demand but with a lower availability of healthcare resource.

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