Need an research paper on the greek parthenon. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism. Parthenon With all of our modern building techniques, it is interesting to note how certain manmade structures are thousands of years old and mark the basis for some of our architectural techniques. The Greek Parthenon is one such building. Here, I will identify what it is, discuss why its important, describe its structure, and explain its historical and contemporary relevance. Parthenon is the temple of Athena on the Acropolis at Athens. It is the ultimate expression of ancient Greek architecture. It is basically a rectangular building with a pitched roof surrounded by columns constructed of marble and limestone. The structure is a work of synchronicity and precision. The earliest Hellenic structures date back to the 6th century BCE. There were two large temples dedicated to Athena. In 480 BC the Persians destroyed them, and in 447 BCE, the Athenian leader Pericles ordered the erection of the Parthenon. The form of the temple represents the matrimony of minimalism and authority. That is why it is so important to modern architects. It demonstrates how a building is not the only functional but also form. It is both art and science. pretty yet practical. This balance is perhaps the most striking element of the Parthenon. It is rare even in modern architecture to find such poise. The architects of Dubai are approaching a contemporary equivalent with their more innovative ideas. The Greek Parthenon is a building par excellence. Here, I have identified what it is, discuss why its important, describe its structure, and explain its historical and contemporary relevance. Even with our modern buildings, it still marks the basis for some of our architectural concepts.
Greek parthenon
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