Must add student name in replies so I know what replies goes to which student. REPLY**** two 200 word DB to student ***also write their name so I know who reply belongs to who you must also use a*** bible references Bible**** ****Devyn Student 1*** The primary readings this week were about how to put together all of the information that we have learned from this course over the last seven weeks. Ultimately knowing how to do this properly will help us to better understand Gods story, and to show us how to share that information with others. Being able to discuss scripture and to show the correlations to history, language, geography and all of the other aspects of researching gospel in a way that someone else can understand and utilize it is an accomplishment we should all strive to meet. The most notable information this week is organization, research, and visual aids all are the bones and meat of a well written outline. The expositional outline is what we put together so that we can use it to teach, and preach to others God’s word. There should be a tone, or theme to the outline, then the message and a few observations about that message spoken in a way that is current and up to date for the listeners. Perhaps some illustrations to help create a mood and scene. Because we all break down information in different ways it is important to think of that when putting the outline together.I have learned that not only am I able and capable of deciphering the scripture, but I will in timed be able to share what I have learned with others that don’t know much about it. And I will be able to discuss points and ideas within my religious circle. I have learned that God wants us to understand, and to be fearful of our paths as we make our way through this life so that we do not fall to sin. I will use the information I have learned in my everyday life. When I hear someone say something about God, I will listen. Because by taking note of how and what others think that God’s word is telling them I may just see a different angel to look at it myself. I am very blessed in my life to have been able to take this course with all of you. Thank you.WC: 360***Onne Student 2 ***3 Key ideas in this week’s module reading1. Understanding how to develop the main idea of the bible passage; it is important to understand the main idea of the bible passage to enable the reader to communicate God’s word to others. However, gathering and developing the main idea would help the reader write out the surefire proposition which would summarize the basic theme/main point of the passage or verse in a few words that can serve as the basis for a teaching outline, sermon, or written article (Cartwright et. al., 2018). Also, utilizing a block diagram can be helpful for a solid foundation to help the reader focus on the outline of the passage.2. Observation of the passage would help the reader gain a deeper insight to reinforce every step in the scripture passage. There are several necessary steps to observe while studying the passage to help the reader compare different translations, word transition, word structure, historical context, literacy evaluation in to an outline to correlate the observation of the passage.3. Focusing on the passage; this is important during bible studies because it helps the in understanding the necessary information such as selecting the topic, take note of the references, making a list of the words that are used in the in the passage and to know the proper structure of the message and observation to applying the word using duty, character, cause and discernment.I have learned so much in the course of this week’s module reading, and the two most important things I am taking home is the main idea of developing an ex positional outline. Ex positional outline exposes the details, the meaning of the scripture, explaining what the words in the scripture talks about while helping the reader carefully draw out the original meaning in it’s original context. However, once you have laid out the block diagram for your passage, determine how many main sections there are in the passage. This will require you to examine the structural layout of the diagram and think through how these sections relate to each other (Cartwright et al.). secondly, “Conducting word study” gives the reader the understanding of words as illustrated in the bible. However, word study is a valuable tool that enables the reader to see the same words as they are used throughout the bible and other literature at the same time, this is however, based on the use of words and its definition to get the meaning of the word as defined by the author. Determining what words should be studied further is usually the result of following the above step (Cartwright et al.).One way I can apply what I have read in this week’s module is, when I am studying the bible, I must be sensitive and careful to know the historical context and the intended use of words in the passage and to know its purpose and application for the will of God for humanity. Romans 2: 25 (NIV) says; Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised
Gods story
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