Globalization changes

by | Aug 11, 2021 | Assignment

Discussion Forum (Minimum 150 words)Globalization changes the dynamics of projects and adds a layer of complexity. It can adversely affect the project outcome if the project participants are not aware of what they might encounter regarding cultural differences and multinational economic transactions.Global projects have unique influencing factors,including:Currency fluctuations and exchange ratesCountry-specific work codes and regulationsCorporate joint ventures and partnerships, creating entities with a presence and facilities in multiple countriesPolitical relations between countriesAvailability of high-demand workforce skillsDescribe how a global project can be more complex than a project performed within only one country.How do the influencing factors, listed above, affect the successful outcome of the global project?Support your positions with at least one current (no older than five years) scholarly source, beyond the course materials and textbooks. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find sources. Make sure to cite your sources following the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).

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